genetic engineering.. the science-y point of view!
I think the crucial difference is enhancement versus determination. if not enhancement, then why do we bother to dress well, even? The slippery-slope idea of enhancement can be extended all the way down. There's no paranoia for me here though.. haha.. I have become something of a clotheshorse in the past year. *winks*
as a biologist, and seeing the things that genetic engineering makes possible, I am both excited and scared. Genetically engineered bacteria are already extant and have been, and in use, for decades. Do we accept their use? For the most part, yes. Would you and I be willing to do without decontaminated soils, oil-polluted oceans and cheap animal feed? Hm... not a particularly strong agreement, even from me. Let's take it a step closer to home. How about genetically engineered plants? We all pay less for our vegetables simply because they have been genetically engineered to be pest-resistant, frost-resistant and more succulent; to ripen faster on the stalk and carry more nutritional value. Rice can and has had an entire biochemical pathway knocked-in for the production of Vitamin A; this rice saves the lives of millions in poorer countries who would not otherwise be able to avoid Vitamin A deficiency. Would you do without these?
One step the closer - genetically engineered animals. Salmon, cows, mice, cats and sheep. Probably, at this point, many of us would begin to shake our heads in emphatic denial. No? What's the difference between animals and plants? The difference, may I postulate, is the ability to feel and to experience emotions, ie the indwelling of what some might term a 'soul'. We become uncomfortable when we imagine that the subject of our manipulations may actually have feelings about it, and yet no choice in the matter. This is piercingly close to the state of a human embryo if it were to undergo genetic manipulation. Cosmetic enhancements like makeup and plastic surgery are done at the choice and with the consent of the individual; they merely enhance what is already present and do not change the genetic constituents of the person. I am still who and what I am, before I take off my makeup. Thus, I am NOT a backer of genetic engineering, in the sense of tinkering with a human before birth. ie transforming the entire organism. The body is the seat of the soul and the temple of the Holy Spirit, and should NOT be tinkered with lightly.
What a weighty topic I say - stress! Urgh, I am not a serious writer like all the other three Serious And Weighty Contributors of this venerable blogsite. I shall try, then to talk non-nonsensical-ly and weightily on stress..
What's stress? As Roger has intimated, stress is mainly a function of time, with much stress arising from the perceived inability to cope with a portion of work within a portion of time. Stress may also arise due to an uncertainty of one's own ability in any area; for example, to perform a task up to expectations, whether imposed by yourself or others. Stress, so often, is layered onto a situation simply based on what we perceive
alone - ie. the facts and not the
truth - when we would do so much better without it.
It is, of course, imperative to have a sense of urgency and set a certain standard or benchmark to achieve for a task to be done well; of course, to rephrase and borrow from an oft-abused metaphor - no one can ever attain the stars unless he or she first aims for the moon. So some stress, at least, is necessary; it is, however, when this 'healthy' stress crosses the line into paranoia, perfectionism and nitpicking that we need to start re-examining our ideals. We are all, after all, works in progress - our capacities are stretched by stress, but it's inevitable that we will, at times along our walk, fail. This brings to mind the separate choices of Judas and Peter; both having failed Jesus, must have been under tremendous stress. I can picture what went on in Judas' mind: i've failed, made the wrong choices - everything's ruined - there is no way i can make up for my betrayal. - imagine the eyes of the others on me - how dare i - how could i - there is no way i can improve. - it would be better to end everything now, for i have made the greatest mistake of my life. The stress brought on by his perception of how others would view him as a perpetrator of the crucifixion caused him to end his own life when with his potential and walk with Jesus, he could have made a difference to the world. Peter, on the other hand, might have started out on the same lines of thought; but somewhere along the way, a change in mindset occured: that he could make a difference, make some kind of atonement, and he rose up to the challenge. Had Peter been the shy, retiring sort who would have been too 'stressed out' by the responsibility, our church would be very much the poorer today for it.
At this juncture, an epiphany has occured: Some, if not a large part of the stresses that surround us every day, can be alleviated by a laying down of pride. Because it is now 3.20am and I need to get up at 5.45am, I cannot find the words to elaborate on this concept; rest assured I will, though, and soon. Thus, abruptly, ends my Really Serious Post in Attempting-To-Be-Grammatically-Correct-English. Hope you've enjoyed your virtual walk through my literary pontifications; good night, world!
I've arrived!
Hello all! *waves madly*
'Tis ahming the lame floating by to say hi!
and Jannesis has kindly invited me to this blog. =)
perhaps we should name ourselves x:odus, Levi(ticus)'s and Due-to-run-on-me in honour of the group? and find one more person.. Numbers.. then we can have the 1st 5 books of Bible liaoz.
I did say I would add lameness to this blog, right? Hey, my perspectives are CERTAINLY odd!
And perhaps, if you would give me permission, I would tweak the template a little.. =)
*ahming's contribution to oddperspectives*
Stress less
Define stress.
A mentally or emotionally disruptive or upsetting condition occurring in response to adverse external influences and capable of affecting physical health, usually characterized by increased heart rate, a rise in blood pressure, muscular tension, irritability, and depression; A stimulus or circumstance causing such a condition; A state of extreme difficulty, pressure, or strain. (
Wow... Stress affects us physically, mentally and emotionally without a doubt. But to what degree does it affect us? Most of the time, we decide.
Stress also means
importance, significance, or emphasis placed on something, which reflects our priorities. What are the main issues in life that stresses us? Those are our priorities. Putting our priorities in place and having wisdom in managing our time well solve half the problem.
I agree with Raine's perspective on handling stress... It basically means to be aware of stress and yet, able to use it for our good and not be controlled by it. We are called to be
"the head and not the tail... above... and not be beneath" (Deuteronomy 28:13), over and not under! (And I don't mean "
over-stressed" or "
Stress stretches us and brings the best or the worst in us. Do we run a little faster and maximise our potential or squirt lemon juice when "squeezed"?
"Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens (strains, tensions, stress), and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light." - Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV)
With God in perspective, we don't become stress-less but we simply stress less, my friends. Smile! =D